Thursday, May 30, 2013

If at first you don't succeed...

I got to 41 hours. And I reached a new LW for 2013: 161.2 lbs. And I've maintained that weight through walking, lifting, and eating moderately (~1200 cals/day).

10 a.m. started a new fast; this one will last until I get to 159 lbs.

I still haven't succeeded in starving out my feelings for Other Man. I need to. I need things like romance and desire to fall by the wayside, which will happen when starving becomes my only focus.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Friday, May 24, 2013

Humans are no match for cats in human skin

This is serious.

I have feelings I need to starve out.

Feelings as in feelings for someone who is not my boyfriend, which, if acted upon, will leave me homeless and penniless and, well, without my best friend in the world.

The No-Matter-What-Happens-I-Will-Not-Sleep-With-This-Other-Person Fast began at midnight. Technically at 9:30, but I'll round to midnight to make it more decisive.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

New career direction.

I'm still a mathematics educator. I'm taking my Massachusetts teaching certification tests and doing my tutoring and working at my computer camp.

HOWEVER. I also decided today/yesterday to Just Go For It and start a side career out of mental health and addiction education/life coaching and motivational speaking for addiction and mood disorders. Hopefully by the time I've made a little more money teaching, my new YouTube series The Crazy Addict, my Twitter @addictednomore, and my general Internet presence will have sufficiently grown so that I can invest in a domain, a podcast, and a professional life coaching office in Boston to grow my business.

This should keep me busy and feeling a little better about myself :)

Monday, May 6, 2013

голодной смерти, Day One

The process of голодной смерти starts today. And doesn't end 'til the end.

Friday, May 3, 2013


After 62 hours of unintentionally liquid fasting, I am now 161.8 lbs, the lowest weight I have been yet this year!!!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Nose to the Grindstone

My boyfriend just texted me to say he lost his high-powered tech job because his successful, revenue-producing company suddenly, without warning or explanation, went under.

Now my appetite is GONE. I am in tunnel-vision fix-it mode. I am in the zone. All my attention, out of necessity, is going towards doing everything I can do to try and keep the rent paid.

I unironically love it when giant catastrophes happen. They're the only times I can ever buckle down and focus.