Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Weight loss, group fitness, and other things

Two days ago, I took the test for my group fitness certification. I don't know whether I passed or failed but I know I did better than I expected, and I'm happy with my performance. The standards for passing are super high, so knowing I did well doesn't necessarily mean I passed.

I graduated from day treatment a week ago and have moved to Continuing Care, which is a step from 20 hours of treatment a week down to only two hours a week. I've been using some of this new spare time on running even more than I already was. The fact that I got a new running toy on Friday -- a Nathan Firecatcher hydration vest -- also helps :)

The scale has been rewarding me for all that extra running, and I am now 162.0 lbs. I'm going to walk to treatment today in order to burn even more calories. I want to be under 160 by April 20 and under 158 by April 30, and then under 156 by May 10, etc. two lbs every ten days. And I can do it.