Monday, September 24, 2012

New Rule

My decision to quit food cold turkey... actually stuck. At least this far. I have a new rule in effect, since yesterday, and it feels sturdy as reinforced concrete so far: I am not allowed to eat in the apartment, or eat food that came out of the apartment. Basically I can't make any more food disappear from the apartment kitchen, so the roommates will stop noticing my eating and stop confronting me about it. (Liquids are still okay. I can still make coffee, Crystal Light, homemade lemonade, etc.)

There is... I think tomato residue?... all over my keyboard, dried, stubborn, gross.

I've had 80 calories so far today, just to settle my meds in my stomach, and my only (non-vodka) calories yesterday were a couple of green apple slices and a cup of sauteed red cabbage offered to me for dinner by my dance partner at his apartment. (I explained to him what kind of mode I was in and why, and he understood well enough not to push me too hard. He's truly an angel for getting me to eat the apple slices and cabbage, and I told him so. I'm healthy and happy whenever I'm around him, he's such a good influence.)

Operation Look As Helpless As I Am, So Everyone Figures Out That It's No Use Reasoning With Me (abbreviated Operation LAHAIASEFOTINURWM) is coming along nicely.

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