Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Antabuse (Subtitled: Is My Liver Mad At Me?)

I started Antabuse over the weekend.

Antabuse reacts with any alcohol that enters your system, making you extremely sick. Among other things, it removes the possibility of even keeping down any alcohol, which means I literally cannot drink. If have even an ounce of vodka (or beer or wine or mouthwash or cough syrup or...), I will just throw it back up. It's enforced sobriety.

Unfortunately, I'm experiencing appetite loss as a side effect. This is not a common, or even occasional, side effect - it's one of the contact-your-doctor-immediately side effects, because it could mean my liver is failing. My liver, despite what I've put it through, is extremely healthy -- the last time I got a liver panel done, three weeks ago, all of my numbers were excellent. But I am now on five daily meds, and that might be a little much. I'm going to ask for another liver panel the next time I see one of the doctors at the treatment center.

Stay tuned; sometime later in the week I'll be publishing a long post about the difficult decision of whether or not to start biologically transitioning. The pros! The cons! The bewbz! The wtfs?!?

(P.S. I have a bottle of seltzer here in my bed with me, and I keep seeing it out of the corner of my eye and panicking! My subconscious jumps to the conclusion that it's my usual bed-companion, a bottle of vodka, before I can consciously step in and correct it. Wow.)

1 comment:

  1. *hugs* I think seeing your doctor and getting your liver checked again would be a good idea!
